The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer is a 1980 anime series directed by Hiroshi Saitô. Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer inspired it. The series initially aired on Fuji TV's World Masterpiece Theater, which adapted a famous Western book or story each year. It was called "Tom Sawyer no Bken." It's the second book in the series by an American author, after 1977's Rascal the Raccoon. Saban International dubbed the series for HBO in 1988 as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." This show ran at 7:30AM and alternated with WMT's "Little Women." Celebrity Home Entertainment released "All New Adventures of Tom Sawyer." The anime airs in the U.S. on NHK's cable channel TV Japan since January 2011.
Released: 1980-01-06