King Arthur's Disasters
King Arthur's Disasters is a British cartoon series that debuted on CITV, a now-defunct ITV1 programming block. The series was co-created by Paul Parkes and Will Ashurst, and it follows and depicts King Arthur's attempts, with the help of the wizard Merlin, to woo the beautiful self-obsessed Princess Guinevere. Because of the show's popularity, it was renewed for a second season, which began airing on CITV on November 6, 2005. Genevieve Dexter executive produced both. During the spring of 2005, King Arthur's Disasters was the highest rated new CITV show. It consistently had an audience share of more than 20% of children and won its time slot versus CBBC. The show was nominated for a BAFTA for Best Animation for children in 2006, but lost to The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers.