Invader Zim
The American animated television series Invader Zim was created by Jhonen Vasquez. The series made its debut on Nickelodeon on March 30, 2001. The series focuses on an extraterrestrial named Zim from the planet Irk and his continuing quest to conquer and destroy Earth. His repeated attempts to control and destroy the human race are thwarted by a combination of his own incompetence, the malfunctioning of his robot servant GIR, and a teenage paranormal investigator named Dib, one of the few individuals who are aware of Zim's true identity. After the first season, the show's numbers began to decrease. Invader Zim was aimed at children in their early teens and received critical acclaim; nevertheless, the show's ratings began to decline after the first season. Prior to the completion of the second season, Nickelodeon canceled the series, leaving incomplete at least twenty-three episodes and a planned television movie series finale. With a pilot, forty-six televised episodes, and around seventeen episodes in production at the time the series was canceled, the show has maintained a cult following after its discontinuation. All forty-six episodes have broadcast on television as of August 19, 2006. Nineteen episodes are divided into two separate tales, each lasting approximately twelve minutes. There are eight episodes of double length. Except for the pilot, which was directed by Jordan Reichek, all episodes were directed by Steve Ressel.
Released: 2001-03-30