Delocated is an American television series that premiered on Adult Swim. The pilot to the show was aired on April 1, 2008. Jon Glaser plays by starring in a reality TV show about them being from the Witness Protection 38, therefore they exploit the situation, with a man in the Witness Protection Program that moves his family to new york. Paul Rudd guest stars from the pilot . Eugene Mirman costars as a Russian hitman/aspiring standup comic to kill"Jon."
This series is Made Xavier and by Wonder Showzen: Renegade Angel founders PFFR. It leans decidedly more towards deadpan humor, and doesn't use the black humor of these shows. It's comparable in format to Your Office, as it mocks a reality show setup, as though it were a nonfiction, documentary or reality show, perhaps maybe not just a humor.
At the first seven episodes, Delocated had an runtime. As season two, each episode had a runtime of. The offseason series finale aired on March 7, 2013.
Released: 2008-04-01