Allegra's Window
Allegra's Window is a children's television series that originally aired on Nick Jr. from October 24, 1994 to May 1, 1996, with reruns airing from May 2, 1996 to June 1998, and later airing on Noggin from February 2, 1999 to April 2003. The original run of the show lasted from October 24, 1994 until May 1, 1996. The show was similar to Sesame Street in that it incorporated real actors, puppets, and animation in addition to focusing on the day-to-day activities of an imaginative and precocious puppet named Allegra. Jan Fleming, John Hoffman, and Jim Jinkins are responsible for the creation of the show. Additionally, the show inspired a series of music videos, which were shown on Nick Jr. during the commercial breaks between episodes of the show.
Released: 1994-10-24