The House in Between
A ideal home turned into a nightmare following a life-changing paranormal event. Alice Jackson, the homeowner, refuses to spend another night at her home unless someone can show her that what she witnessed is natural. With their camera team, directors Steve Gonsalves and Kendall Whelpton traveled to Mississippi to chronicle the real-life effects of a homeowner's struggle to reclaim her home from this horrible nightmare. The method was similar to that of a detective following up on leads and putting puzzle pieces together. With a no-stone-unturned attitude, solid scientific facts from physicists, field experts, and thorough study. Because of the delicate nature of this case, the filmmakers insisted that their film team had extensive experience in the field of paranormal research. Each member of the film crew was hand-picked by the directors for their particular production expertise as well as their commitment to the documenting of authentic paranormal investigation.
Duration: 81