Hearty Paws 2
Dong-grades Wook's begin to slip when his beloved Labrador Maeumee has a litter of puppies. Dong-mother Wook's chooses to get rid of Maeumee and the puppies as a result of this. The canines are then kept at a relative's video store until they can be placed in an animal training facility. Meanwhile, two shady jewel thieves break inside the video store and notice the puppies. Hyeok-Pil decides to kidnap the tiniest dog and employ him as a diamond runner. Maeumee notices the two men who are stealing her pet and pursues them! Will Maeumee be able to save her puppy? Will Dong-Wook have another chance to visit Maeumee and the puppies?
Released: 2010-07-22