Christopher Titus: Amerigeddon
2018, exactly what the hell is going on? Hawaii obtained an incoming missile threat and owing to our boss, it was believed by people. We've lost our way as a nation. The entire world believes we're a joke and there's a joke at the position on the planet. I'd present my yakuza pinkie now. All that being said the brand newest series is a killer balance between right and lefthanded. My Grandma along with conservatives are currently starting to realize people made a mistake. AMERIGEDDON is bringing the country together a single viewer that is drunk . It's for all of us because it takes The side of America, one particular side. Don't worry about anything else people! It will be okay, we will survive, or dwell at a post gasoline fueled thrill ride at which tribes fight with each other over who should guide. . .just like except we'll have Mohawks.
Duration: 100